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Cleanwave pendant

Cleanwave pendant

Regular price $60.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 AUD
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The Universal Clean-waves patch is designed to protect the biological (user) from electromagnetic waves (E.M.) generated by all wireless transmitters.

Simply wear the pendant  so that it emits a compensated wave, called an antidote wave, which is biologically removed from the polluting wave (called in phase).

The Universal Clean-waves patch is a revolutionary product designed to protect users from the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves generated by wireless transmitters. By simply applying the patch to your device, it emits an antidote wave that compensates for and removes the polluting wave, known as in phase. This innovative solution ensures that users are shielded from the negative biological effects of electromagnetic waves.

With the rise of wireless technology, the need for protection against electromagnetic radiation has become more pressing than ever before. The Universal Clean-waves patch provides a simple yet effective solution to this problem, allowing users to enjoy the convenience of wireless devices without compromising their health.

This product is designed with user safety in mind, and its effectiveness has been thoroughly tested to ensure maximum protection against electromagnetic radiation. By using the Universal Clean-waves patch, users can have peace of mind knowing that they are protected from harmful waves that can cause a range of health problems, from headaches and fatigue to more serious conditions like cancer.

So, whether you're a frequent smartphone user, a gamer, or someone who works with wireless devices, the Universal Clean-waves patch is an essential tool for protecting your health and well-being. Don't let electromagnetic waves compromise your health - invest in the Universal Clean-waves patch today and experience the benefits of a safer, healthier wireless lifestyle.

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